Autumn is upon us, and the cooler temps stir the emotions of those of us who love the outdoors, for this is our favorite time of year. The hunting seasons are here, the best fishing of the season awaits those willing to brave the wetter weather. It’s time for aWilderness experience!
McClelland Tobacco got together with Dr. Fred Hanna many years ago (Fred is an avid pipe collector, writer, and aficionado) and urged him to formulate an opus blend that was to become everything he demands of his favorite tobaccos. Syrian and Cyprian Latakia, along with some Orientals, form the base mixture; this, combined with sweet Drama, Yenidje, and Red Virginias offer a mild yet seductive tin note with just the right amount of smoky, sweet-and-sour aroma. The cut is a nicely done ribbon with bigger cuts of Latakia showing up in the tin. The moisture content is perfect, and the tobacco is ready to pack fresh from the tin.
After a quick charring light, another match had the bowl burning nicely. I’m smoking Wilderness in a Jörn apple and the first third of the bowl is showcasing the Syrian Latakia very nicely: creamy and smoky with just enough of the exotic twang to remind me not to push it.
Moving into the second third of the bowl, I’m fishing for a descriptive flavor note; savory is the best I can come up with. (I’m not one to embellish a great-tasting blend.) Cruising into the home stretch, I’ve had to relight a few times, but now the exotic Orientals are taking center stage. I’m starting to believe that Fred Hanna has added just enough red Virginia to provide balance – and not overtake the flavor profile – as I can barely detect it.
Smoking any pipe tobacco containing the nearly-extinct Syrian Latakia is always a treat, but with Wilderness it’s especially prominent, drifting in and out throughout the bowl, yet still allowing the other Orientals to shine through. I’d strongly suggest getting some Wilderness while McClelland still has a small reserve of this elusive Syrian leaf.
Thumbs up! Wilderness earns a full 5 Pipes. Puff On!