I’ve hijacked the pipe column this week because Jeff doesn’t usually appreciate aromatics…and I just had to tell you about a great new tinned tobacco we’ve gotten in, the elusive Devil’s Holiday from Dan Tobacco, makers of other fine blends such as Blue Note, Tordenskjold, andBill Bailey’s Balkan Blend (and Bill, if you’re reading this, won’t you please go home?).
Devil’s Holiday is described as a “smooth and creamy Black Cavendish with a few tips of fluffy Golden Virginia, topped with a most refined flavour composition of tasty wild forest berries.” This is entirely accurate; the tin note is an immediate and refreshing whiff of blackberry or black currant with an undercurrent (or is that “under currant”?) of vanilla and an appetizing, almost buttery aroma.
It’s a bit damp; some drying time might be in order, but I’m too impatient to try this delicious blend (introduced to me during a meeting of the Pittsburgh Pipe Club by our generous friend and connoisseur Shane), so I load up my rustic pipe using a twisting-in-the-palm-of-your-hand method taught me by the usual author of this column and apply the match.
It takes the light well, and I am treated to one of Devil’s Holiday’s most appealing qualities: smoke that actually tastes as pleasant as it smells. Many cased aromatics produce a hearty room note while the actual flavor of the tobacco pales in comparison; this blend really tastes of berries, figs, and vanilla – but not to the extent that it overpowers the mellow cavendish. Just enough of a fruity note to make it enjoyable, if you can dig it.
The fruity notes becomes less pronounced as you work your way through the bowl, and it finishes as a gentle, creamy, and altogether satisfying (for me, anyway) cavendish/Virginia combo.
Some reviews of Devil’s Holiday dismiss it as a simplistic blend too heavily cased to be enjoyed by “serious” pipe smokers (“a shallow tobacco for shallow people,” sniffs one self-important blowhard), but this one does not! If you aren’t too snooty for aromatics, you’ll get a real kick out of this tasty offering from the mysterious Dan Tobacco…and you may also want to check out the other Dan blends we’ve gotten in from our secret source.
I’m giving Devil’s Holiday 4 and a half pipes! So there! Puff On!™*

* Puff On! ©2015 Jeff Armstrong, Inc. All rights reserved.