Weekly Email – Apr. 8th, 2015

Coming Soon Dept.:


Keep watching the skies! (Or at least your email.) There’s an event in the offing for mid-May that will herald the arrival of something new and worth your while (if you like to stay abreast of the finest new cigars available…)!

Briefcase Full of Blues Dept.:

THURSDAY NIGHTS: Mike & Dan’s Badass Blues Hour!

If you dig the sound of a wailin’ axe, get yo bad self down to ASW on Thursday nights and join us as we celebrate the legendary guitar greats! Mike and Dan bring you the Badass Blues Hour, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM (that’s 2 full hours in a one-hour bag!). But you won’t be singin’ the blues…because Mike will announce a new cigar special each week during the event! Come on down and hang out! (BBQ is optional, but welcome. We like cheese too. Cheese is good.)

Pssssst Dept.:


Put THAT In Your Pipe and Smoke It Dept.:

Pittsburgh Pipe Club meets this weekend!

Saturday the 11th: Join our friendly, eclectic crowd of enthusiasts and enjoy a bowl of your favorite tobacco in comfort! The Pittsburgh Pipe Club is an informal gathering of like-minded individuals who love to share their knowledge of obscure blends and rare pipes. Starting at 10:00 AM, the event is open to all. Come down and take some time to practice the “gentle art.”
“I could see that Jim [Garner] was very neat around his place. Flowers trimmed, no papers in the yard, grass always cut. So, just to piss him off, I’d start lobbing empty beer cans down the hill into his driveway.”
~ Steve McQueen

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