Acid cigars by Drew Estate are uniquely infused, each with a distinct flavor and aroma. Made in Nicaragua, the constituent tobaccos are matured in special areas known as cuarto aromaticos for several months; these aging chambers are lined with essential oils and herbs which impart an incredible amount of unusual flavor into the tobacco. No two Acid blends are alike, and many vitolas are available, the most popular being Blondie and Kuba Kuba. Other blends we carry include Extraordinary Larry, Cold Infusion, C-Note, and Wafe (to name but a few). Acid is a smoking experience quite unlike the traditional cigar, and is not for everybody…but if you’re in the mood for a refreshing change of pace, they may be right up your alley.
Acid cigars at Allegheny Smokeworks:
- 1400 CC
- Acid One
- Blondie
- Blondie Belicoso
- Blondie Maduro
- C-Note
- Cold Infusion
- Deep Dish
- Earthiness
- Extraordinary Larry
- Kuba Kuba
- Kuba Deluxe
- Kuba Grande
- Kuba Maduro
- Krush Blue Connecticut
- Liquid
- Roam
- Toast
- Wafe