We’re in for a special treat this week, as I’m popping open a tin of McClelland‘s 3 Oaks Syrian. This is part of the Collectors’ Series and the blend itself was created by the somewhat famous pipe-tobacco reviewer Tad Gage. Tad worked tirelessly to create this subtle, complex mixture and used carefully measured portions of pure Syrian Latakia to formulate what is essentially a mild- to medium-bodied English pipe blend.
The tin note is pleasant, with hints of pine and the sweet/sour notes of the Orientals pushing forward while the Virginias and the signature Mclelland (or “McKetchup”) notes are muted.
I allowed some drying time for my sample (about a half-hour) and I found the coarse ribbon cut easy to pack and light.
Experience has shown me that this is a fairly mild blend, just bordering on crossing over into medium-bodied territory as I work down through the bowl. Carefully and thoughtfully working through this blend has allows some of the subtle flavor profiles to wash over my palate. Herbal notes from the Orientals – and specifically the Syrian Latakia – are present throughout and the Virginias provide a very muted sweetness and balance to the blend.
It’s a sad thing, knowing that eventually the stockpile of available Syrian leaf will disappear and blends like 3 Oaks will simply vanish forever. With this in mind, I strongly advise you try some before its just a memory.
5 of 5 pipes for 3 Oaks Syrian. Puff On!
