Rather than reviewing a pipe blend this week, I’d like to introduce the reader to a Germany-based blender and a few of their products.
Dan Tobacco has been quietly supplying pipe smokers with exceptionally tasty blends for many years, and we’ve just added several more of Dan’s delicious blends to our selection. Among them:
Blue Note and Devil’s Holiday: Probably two of the most intensely flavored aromatic blends you’ll ever have the pleasure to smoke. We’ve carried these before and they sold out rapidly. I am pleased to report that both are now back in stock.
For the English/Balkan lovers we now have a few 100 gram tins of London Blend 1000, an exceptional and very diverse blend of Virginias, Maryland tobacco, and exotic Oriental leaf (including plenty of Latakia). Many have compared this medium- to full-flavored blend to the legendary Balkan Sobranie of old…which is just about the highest compliment a pipe blend can get.
Gordon Pym, another fine English blend which is robust and smoky, thanks in part to the constituent tobaccos which have been painstakingly sourced from all over the world: Virginias, Maryland, Orientals, Turkish, and a smidgen of Latakia.
Two selections from the Treasures of Ireland series: Limerick, a pleasant Virginia flake with a touch of Perique; and Galway (Black and Bright), an aromatic featuring Virginias, Black Cavendish, and a sweet, vanilla-tinged casing.
Tordenskjold Virginia Slices, a blend I reviewed last week. There’s some Louisiana Perique in this blend, folks, that is mind-blowing.
If you’ve been looking to step outside the box with your normal rotation of pipe tobaccos, now is a great time to give Dan Tobacco a try. Everything I’ve ever sampled from their lineup has been beautifully presented and flavorful beyond my expectations. Come on in and get some before it gets scooped up!
And before I forget…we also now have some excellent new pipe lighters in stock from Xikar and JetLine. Come check them out!