This week in our pipe corner we are going to explore a rather exotic pipe blend, Barling 1812 Garnet. Blended and tinned by Planta Tabak in Germany, I see as I read the blending leaf ingredients that Garnet carries a fine pedigree: Virginias, Burley, Louisiana Perique and – get this – Syrian Latakia (!) as well as some Java cigar leaf (!!).
This blend is far from simple. As I pop it open, I notice a tin note which I would characterize as “bizarre”…and yet somehow appealing. The telltale fruitiness indicative of Perique is evident, but beyond that I have no clue as to how to describe the other aromas. There’s some sort of mild topping on the ribbon-cut leaf which is slightly evident at first light, a mild and fragrant note present for only the first few puffs.
The Syrian Latakia does sneak in throughout the smoke, but there’s so much going on with this blend that it almost seems to get lost as the bowl nears the 2/3 mark. If the mention of Java has you wondering if there’s a cigar-like quality to this blend, you will be disappointed; as I’ve found with all attempts at introducing cigar leaf into a pipe blend, it’s a case of “close…but no cigar.”
All in all, Garnet is a solid English blend that runs in the mild to medium spectrum, and I had very few re-lights as I smoked this sample fresh from the tin. We have both Barling offerings – Garnet (Medium) and Tradition (Full) – in stock. Come on down to ASW and try some…it’s certainly worth it!
A 4 pipe rating this week for Barling 1812 Garnet. Puff On!
