
Mike has probably forgotten more about cigars, pipes, and tobacco than most people can ever hope to learn. An expert tobacconist with two decades of retail experience, Mike’s palate is highly refined; his humidor selections reflect the thoughtful manner with which he chooses our products. He loves introducing people to uncommon cigars, so look for the Mike’s Picks label on our humidor shelves to find a new favorite. He also likes fly fishing, guitars, and the Allman Brothers. A lot.


Jeff is our resident pipe specialist. A veritable font of pipe knowledge and arcana, he will happily introduce you to a new blend, help you find the right pipe for your needs, or instruct you on the fundamentals of smoking and pipe care. Watch our weekly newsletter for Jeff’s insightful tobacco reviews. A frontier historian and avid outdoorsman, Jeff will gladly spend many pleasant hours discussing his adventures in the wild…or in the rural hamlets of America, en route TO the wild.


Christian is ASW’s assistant manager and also heads the graphic design department. (Actually, he IS the graphic design department.) His love of both cigars and pipes make him Johnny-on-the-spot when you’re having a hard time deciding what to try next. A cinema historian and avid indoorsman, Christian is also a sculptor and filmmaker and is illiterate in several languages. Don’t get him started; his jokes are terrible.