Cellaring Pipe Tobacco 101
This week I’m going to skip the review and talk about a segment of the pipe smoking hobby known as “cellaring”
tobacco, in particular tinned tobacco.
Cellaring is simply the act of amassing a personal stock of your favorite tinned blends for the purpose of aging, fending off the possibility of a tax increase or the discontinuation of the blend (which happens more often than you might think). The above list is just a few of the many reasons why we pipe people hoard tobaccos.
You may notice that some of the grizzled veteran pipe-smokers (you know who you are) who frequent the shop are, for the most part, very content-looking individuals. There’s a good reason for this: They have amassed a giant 90 – 250 pound personal stash of their very favorite pipe mixtures and therefore have every reason to feel content. There is no way they will outlive their stash. They are bombproof, invincible. You will also occasionally notice a grumpy pipe guy, the one scanning through all the tinned tobacco and complaining that there’s noEsoterica Penzance in stock. This is the guy who didn’t prepare for the Tobbaco-pocalypse.
Cellaring is easy. Get an old Rubbermaid container or a large cooler and start your personal stash of your favorite blend (or the ones you think will one day become favorites). Age those Virginia Perique blends and rest assured that in five years you are going to have some of the most nirvana-like pipe-smoking experiences you’ve ever known. Buy at today’s prices, not next year’s; suppliers are constantly raising prices and the consumer takes the hit. Don’t let this happen to you!
Take a Sharpie, write the purchase date on the tin, and place it in your container. Keep it stored in a cool, dry place and let nature do the work. Aging can do wonderful things to the flavor of pipe tobacco and you owe yourself that enjoyment. We here at ASW have a very large selection of tinned and bulk tobacco on hand (more than we’ve had in some time, to be honest) so come on in and see what’s available.
Feel free to come in and ask questions! We are all here to help and we are all currently active pipe-smokers, not just guys who sell pipes and tobaccos. I personally would enjoy taking the time to help you make some selections or to talk more about cellaring your favorite blends. Puff On!